Large Ensemble
Deform and Reform for wind ensemble – ca. 8' (2019)
(picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, Eb cl, 3 cl, b cl, 2 bsn, 2 a. sax, t. sax, b. sax, 4 hn, 3 tpt, 3 trbn, euph, tuba, 4 perc)
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild
Qing Ming for SATB choir and piano – ca. 4’ 30” (2018)
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild
Dust Devil for chamber orchestra – ca. 6' (2018)
(fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, tpt, pno, strings)
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild
Untitled for large chamber ensemble – ca. 5' (2018)
(fl, cl, hn, perc, pno, vln, vla, vlc, db)
Falling Stars for wind ensemble – ca. 7' 30" (2016-17)
(picc, fl, ob, 2 cl, b. cl, bsn, s. sax, a. sax, t. sax, b. sax, 2 hn, 2 tpt, trbn, euph, tuba, pno, 3 perc, db)
Commissioned by conductor Caroline Hand and the Ball State University Wind Ensemble
Shadow Play for chamber wind ensemble – ca. 10' (2015-16)
(picc, fl, ob, cl, b. cl, bsn, a. sax, t. sax, hn, 2 tpt, trbn, euph, tuba, 2 perc, db)
Joint commission by conductors Michael Mapp (Washburn University Wind Ensemble) and William Perrine (Concordia University Ann Arbor Wind Ensemble)
time, unfolding for large chamber ensemble – ca. 10' (2014)
(fl, cl, bsn, hn, perc, pno, 2 vln, vla, vlc, db)
Veiled Light for large chamber ensemble – ca. 8' (2013)
(fl, cl, tpt, trbn, pno, 2 vln, vlc, db)
(Alternate version: fl, cl, hn, perc, pno, vln, vla, vlc, db) (2014)
Apparitions - a fantasy for chamber ensemble – ca. 8' 30'' (2010-11)
(fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, tpt, trbn, 2 perc, pno, 2 vln, vla, vlc, db)
Fanfare for Brass and Percussion – ca. 6' 30'' (2009)
(3 tpt, 3 hn, 3 trbn, 2 euph, 3 tuba, timp, 2 perc)
Commissioned by conductor Jason Thorpe Buchanan and the UNLV Brass Ensemble
Symphonic Movements for orchestra – ca. 23' (2008)
I. Lento
II. Largo
III. Grand
(picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 2 trbn, tuba, timp, 4 perc, hp, strings)
(picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, Eb cl, 3 cl, b cl, 2 bsn, 2 a. sax, t. sax, b. sax, 4 hn, 3 tpt, 3 trbn, euph, tuba, 4 perc)
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild
Qing Ming for SATB choir and piano – ca. 4’ 30” (2018)
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild
Dust Devil for chamber orchestra – ca. 6' (2018)
(fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, tpt, pno, strings)
Commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild
Untitled for large chamber ensemble – ca. 5' (2018)
(fl, cl, hn, perc, pno, vln, vla, vlc, db)
Falling Stars for wind ensemble – ca. 7' 30" (2016-17)
(picc, fl, ob, 2 cl, b. cl, bsn, s. sax, a. sax, t. sax, b. sax, 2 hn, 2 tpt, trbn, euph, tuba, pno, 3 perc, db)
Commissioned by conductor Caroline Hand and the Ball State University Wind Ensemble
Shadow Play for chamber wind ensemble – ca. 10' (2015-16)
(picc, fl, ob, cl, b. cl, bsn, a. sax, t. sax, hn, 2 tpt, trbn, euph, tuba, 2 perc, db)
Joint commission by conductors Michael Mapp (Washburn University Wind Ensemble) and William Perrine (Concordia University Ann Arbor Wind Ensemble)
time, unfolding for large chamber ensemble – ca. 10' (2014)
(fl, cl, bsn, hn, perc, pno, 2 vln, vla, vlc, db)
Veiled Light for large chamber ensemble – ca. 8' (2013)
(fl, cl, tpt, trbn, pno, 2 vln, vlc, db)
(Alternate version: fl, cl, hn, perc, pno, vln, vla, vlc, db) (2014)
Apparitions - a fantasy for chamber ensemble – ca. 8' 30'' (2010-11)
(fl, ob, cl, bsn, hn, tpt, trbn, 2 perc, pno, 2 vln, vla, vlc, db)
Fanfare for Brass and Percussion – ca. 6' 30'' (2009)
(3 tpt, 3 hn, 3 trbn, 2 euph, 3 tuba, timp, 2 perc)
Commissioned by conductor Jason Thorpe Buchanan and the UNLV Brass Ensemble
Symphonic Movements for orchestra – ca. 23' (2008)
I. Lento
II. Largo
III. Grand
(picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 2 trbn, tuba, timp, 4 perc, hp, strings)
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** Full sample scores can be obtained through inquiry.
*** Most works are available from the composer at reproduction cost plus shipping.
*** Most works are available from the composer at reproduction cost plus shipping.