tempora mutantur for clarinet in B-flat and live electronics (2013)
“Tempora mutantur” is a Latin phrase meaning “the times are changed.” It is usually stated in a hexametric form, followed by another phrase “nos et mutamur in illis,” meaning “we too are changed in them.” This piece is one in a series of electroacoustic pieces relating to the motion of time and its effects on sounds. Aside from working primarily with time-based DSP effects, the idea of the motion of time is also prominent in how the composer systematically structured the composition in its harmonic content as well as its overall pace.
This piece is commissioned by and written for clarinetist Pei-Lun Tsai. The fixed sample playbacks used are pre-recorded clarinet sounds and synthesized materials. Live processing techniques such as feedback delay, chorusing, flanging, harmonizer and granular synthesis are also employed throughout most of the sections.
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