Qing Ming for SATB choir and piano (2018)
清 明 杜 牧
Qīng míng dù mù
清 明 時 節 雨 紛 紛
qīngmíng shíjié yǔ fēnfēn
路 上 行 人 慾 斷 魂
lùshàng xíngrén yù duàn hún
借 問 酒 家 何 處 有
jièwèn jiǔjiā hé chù yǒu
牧 童 遙 指 杏 花 村
mùtóng yáo zhǐ xìng huā cūn
Qing Ming Festival Du Mu
At Qing Ming Festival,
the rain went on drizzling all day;
The hearts of the wayfarers
were filled with growing dismay.
A cowherd boy was asked
if there was a wine-shop nearby;
He pointed to one
at Village Apricot far away.
Qing Ming《清明》 is commissioned by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.
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