Deform and Reform for wind ensemble (2019)
“Deform and Reform” is inspired by the versatility of water, which in its three forms, can take on infinite shapes with varying intensity to adapt to a changing environment, and it is often persistent to reach a destination. The music symbolizes the hearts and spirits of those who fought against their tyrant government, as well as many immoral police brutality on protesters, political opposers, and civilians in various massive democratic movements of 2019 around the world. Resistance can take on many shapes to perfectly demonstrate a modern and transformative fight against power. Fundamentally, the connection of movement to the physicality of water bred on the idea of a famous quote from Bruce Lee, “Be water, my friend.”
《分解與重組》的靈感來自於水的多樣性。水以其三種形態用無限的形狀去適應不同環境的變化。這象徵著2019年大規模民主運動中抗爭者的心靈,及其堅決抵抗極權政府和濫權警察暴行的決心。這些運動也充份地表現出一套劃時代的逆權抗爭理念,當中剛柔並濟,如水、如霧、也如冰。這套理念學習自李小龍的名句:“Be water, my friends.”。
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